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Insert the memory card to your
computer and keep a backup of
all the data from the memory
card, because first you have to
format the memory card. Now
download and install Skymedi software. After installation, the application
will launch automatically show a
windows with options 'Fix' and 'Cancel'. From the drop down menu, you have to browse the
memory card, Once you select
the location of the card, click on
'Fix', it will ask you for the confirmation, you have to click on
'Yes'. After selecting the memory card, the application will show
you a size of around 955MB ; this is because you have inserted a 1GB memory card. After finishing the process, the
application will ask you to unplug
the memory card. Remove it and
insert it again. Now the storage
capacity of the memory card is
increased to 2GB. Note: If you want to check the
storage of the memory card you
can click on 'My computer » Memory card » Properties'. You will see that the size of the
memory card is 2GB. Another way to confirm the storage
capacity, re-open the Skymedi
and select the location of the
memory card. This time it will
show 1912MB , which is 2GB.

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